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Hydrogen and fuel cells FREEMIUM


About This Course

This course on Hydrogen and fuel cells, freemium version is a self-paced course with a number of automatically-corrected assignments and peer-to-peer discussion forums.

The course contains 14 Content Modules, each one with a set of questions and exercises. For accumulating the knowledge, answer all the various questions, perform the exercises and achieving the Intended Learning Outcomes of each one of the Content Modules the instructor indicates around 40 Estimated Learning Hours (ELH). Suggested pace: 4 weeks.


K1: Explain the use of hydrogen as energy carrier and its applications in different sectors; K2: Discuss how hydrogen can contribute to energy transition to carbon-free sources and sustainability; K3: List the main hydrogen production pathways and explain the fundamental theory behind various hydrogen production technologies; K4: Describe fuel cell working principle and discuss their benefits for energy conversion; K5: Discuss and compare the main advantages and disadvantages of different hydrogen production and utilization technologies based on technical and economic aspects.


S1: Calculate the performance for the common types of electrolyzers and fuel cells (e.g. hydrogen production rate, voltage, efficiency); S2: Analyze the provided information on hydrogen conversion technologies to select suitable pathways and applications for different circumstances (carbon neutrality goals, energy requirements, etc.)

Responsibility and autonomy (according to the European Qualification Framework)

R1: Take responsibility for completion of tasks in work or study; adapt own behaviour to circumstances in solving problems.


To have a successful individual learning journey it is recommended that the learner has a background corresponding to the first year of university engineering studies. A bachelor degree in science or engineering, or equivalent expertise. Knowledge about physics and thermodynamics.

Base of the course

The material is based upon an open course developed by Prof. Valentina Zaccaria at Mälardalen University, Sweden, which can be found on

Certificate and Credits

Any learner who graduates from the course after successful completion of all the autimatically corrected questions and exercises can print an EEDA certificate of achievement. Learners who are registered at an organization offering this course in an instructor-led fashion need to consider any special conditions this organization will have for issuing ant certificates or credits from that organization.

Course Staff

Course Staff Image #1

Staff Member #1

Biography of instructor/staff member #1

Course Staff Image #2

Staff Member #2

Jean-Luc Delplancke

Frequently Asked Questions

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Question #2

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