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DMX9120 Modern Leadership


About This Course

DMX9120 Modern Leadership course is an elective course worth 1 SLQF credit (02 ECT Credits), and it's all about teaching you the skills you need for leadership in the energy industry. We want to help you become leaders who can guide sustainable businesses in this ever-changing field.

When talking about taking the lead in organizations in today's society, we cannot avoid the topic of 'digital transformation'.

Digital transformations are going in full steam. All sectors and fields of our society are going through it and it implies great changes in the ways organizations operate and create value. In this course, we see digital transformations as an adaptation of public sector capacities, workflows, business processes, operations, methodologies, and frameworks to the rapidly evolving dynamics and relations between the stakeholders that are already enabled – and in many instances empowered – by digital environments. Clearly, stages in digital transformations and the contexts determine the need for leadership modes. These transformations demand accurate knowledge and well-developed visions of how to deal with the challenges we all face. Challenges such as urban mobility, energy transition, climate change, health care, and circular economy. In order to manage transformations, understanding the role of leadership is key. Taking leadership is a necessity at all levels and relevant for many roles and functions in organizations. In digital transformations, taking leadership is certainly not the exclusive domain of managers and CEO’s.

During this course, you'll work on achieving certain goals called Program Learning Outcomes (PLO). These include things like creating smart business plans that follow environmental rules, being a good communicator in the energy field, and learning to work well with others from different areas. You'll also practice thinking creatively and using resources wisely while always doing what's right. We'll also focus on "circular economy," which means understanding how everything in the energy sector is connected. We want you to be open to new experiences in the industry that can make our society better.

As you go through DMX9120, you'll not only pick up leadership skills but also help make the world a more sustainable place. Keep in mind that this course is a chance for you to grow as a person and in your career. We can't wait to see the amazing impact you'll have in the energy sector.

Best wishes for a successful and rewarding experience in DMX9120 Modern Leadership.

What are the learning objectives?


  • I am able to understand appropriate leadership theories in digital transformation contexts;


  • I am able to recognize, distinct, and describe appropriate leadership styles, skills and competencies and adapt my style accordingly with the different situations within digital transformations;
  • I am able to recognize, distinct, and describe the change management theory and am able to work with change management toolboxes ;
  • I am able to recognize, distinct, and describe Digital transformation Leadership Toolboxes;;
  • I am able to recognize, distinct, and describe the Agile digital leadership;

Responsibility and Autonomy:

  • I am able to implement leadership modes, skills and toolboxes on a large scale in organizational change journeys;

Meet your teachers:

Course Staff Image #1

Chloë Gerritsen

  • Position: Subject Area Coordinator
  • Affiliation: University of Twente, The Netherlands
  • Contact:
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Robert Muster

  • Position: Subject Area Coordinator
  • Affiliation: University of Twente, The Netherlands
  • LinkedIn
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Jeroen Vonk

  • Position: Subject Area Coordinator
  • Affiliation: University of Twente, The Netherlands
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Course Staff Image #1

Sjoerd de Vries

  • Position: Subject Area Coordinator
  • Affiliation: University of Twente, The Netherlands
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